In today's digital world, streamlining information management has become essential for organisations of all sizes. One technology that is changing this landscape is machine learning. This advanced technology offers opportunities to optimise information management. At Archive-IT, we are already applying this technology in our solutions.

But what exactly does machine learning imply?

  • It is a component of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn and perform tasks without explicit programming; 
  • Algorithms are trained using data to identify patterns and make predictions;
  • It is applied in several areas, such as image/speech recognition and language processing.

Machine learning thus opens the door to unprecedented opportunities for optimising digital information management. Thanks to this technology, organisations can deal more efficiently and effectively with the vast amount of available information. After all, the volume of documents is growing by the day!

How Archive-IT is harnessing the power of machine learning

At Archive-IT, we make full use of machine learning, especially within our 'Vitalise' service, which our sister company Van Dinther also uses for its customers. With this, we continuously improve the management and automation of your documents and files. With our knowledge of and experience with this technology, we are perfectly positioned to respond quickly to new developments in information management.

For example, consider the following applications to automate your information management:

  • Data clustering: the process of grouping similar data or objects based on certain characteristics or properties. Data clustering ensures better use of data within your organisation. In healthcare, for example, machine learning clusters data to identify patient profiles for personalised treatments. A hospital has a large amount of information about patients with a certain condition, for example diabetes. This collection of data includes different types of information, such as age, gender, BMI, blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, dietary habits, physical activity and so on. With machine learning, a hospital applies clustering techniques to group this data based on corresponding characteristics.
  • Classifying information: assigning labels or categories to data based on their characteristics, properties, or content. This leads, for example, to more efficient storage and archiving of your data. Taking a municipality as a practical example, machine learning ensures that documents are automatically labelled for classification and archiving. In this way, this municipality manages large quantities of documents ranging from policy documents to legal documents and financial reports. These documents are thus classified and archived in a structured manner for efficient management and access.
  • Data extraction: the process of collecting and isolating specific data from a larger dataset, document or information source. We apply this to obtain valuable information that your organisation can use for analysis, reporting, decision-making or other purposes. A housing association is one body that benefits greatly from using machine learning to extract data. Automatically identifying specific characteristics and information from leases and documents allows a housing association to extract data from a large collection of leases. These leases contain important information such as the lease term, rent, deposit amount, names of tenants, and other terms and conditions.

The major benefit for our customers is that machine learning reduces the reliance on human input, which means people make fewer mistakes. Reducing reliance on human input through machine learning contributes to a more efficient and effective working environment. This allows employees to focus on tasks where their skills and experience are most valuable.

Are you curious about the many benefits machine learning has to offer for your information management? If so, do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to inform you how machine learning optimises your information management.

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