Archive-IT would like to introduce you to the Social Fund. A beautiful initiative through which we support charities and special actions with a financial contribution every quarter!
Social Fund
How does the Social Fund work?
All Archive-IT employees receive a profit distribution at the end of the year. Everyone puts aside a fixed percentage of this and that amount is then doubled by the management. The resulting amount is used to support charities with a financial contribution. In this way, we as a company can also do our part to support society.

Charities, beautiful initiatives, special causes; Archive-IT enjoys contributing to them. Whether big or small, national or regional; we like being able to help in our own way. At Archive-IT, a few employees form the Social Fund and they distribute the money to different causes every quarter. All employees can submit ideas to the Social Fund members.

Suggest a charity?
You can! You know a great initiative that could use a one-time donation from our Social Fund? We would love to hear about it at or fill in the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible.