As a specialist in the archiving and digitisation of paper files, Archive-IT guarantees the continuity of your primary business processes during the entire transition from physical to digital. Archive-IT can only offer this guarantee if the security of both the physical and the digital files is guaranteed at all times.
Create awareness
Archive-IT believes that it all depends on the way in which the organization and its employees promote awareness of this theme. Confronting day-to-day practical cases helps to achieve this, which in turn makes life easier for the employees. Archive-IT ensures that employees remain familiar with the processes and everyday practice. Archive-IT attaches great importance to security and we want to go further than the standards prescribe.

The description of the ISO certificates is as follows: managing, archiving and storing physical information and transforming this information into digital form, developing software interfaces and applications to integrate digitised information into the information systems and work processes, we are constantly working to keep the processes at a high level.
The ISO certificates confirm that Archive-IT complies with legislation and regulations, that we apply continuous process improvements and that we comply with the international requirements for quality management and information security.
Archive-IT is certified for three ISO certificates:
- ISO 27001 is the standard for information security
- NEN 7510 is the norm for information security in the healthcare sector in the Netherlands
- ISO 9001 is the standard for process quality management
In addition to the above certificates, our AIR software complies with the archiving functionalities of ISO 16175.

GDPR compliant
Archive-IT digitises and archives many files on a daily basis. Files full of privacy-sensitive information. When the GDPR was introduced, Archive-IT also got to grips with this and we can proudly say that we are GDPR compliant.
An important fact for our customers, who entrust us with their valuable and privacy-sensitive information. Archive-IT is obliged to appoint an PO as we are a major processor of personal data. Alex Klaassen is our Data Protection Officer and is a Managing Partner at NewDay IT Risk & Assurance Services. NewDay helps companies with information security, privacy, IT and audits. Alex is registered with the Personal Data Authority (registration number: FG003942) and has a supervisory role within Archive-IT. He ensures that the measures and processes are fully complied with in accordance with the GDPR.
Physical safety measures
- Access control by badge
- Camera surveillance
- Burglary prevention security
- CO² extinguishing gas system
- Immediate notification of the fire brigade
- Dry extinguishing lines

Whitepaper security
Do you want to know more about security? Then download our security whitepaper! Topics which are discussed in this whitepaper are among others: the measures Archive-IT takes with regard to physical and digital information security, ISO certificates, GDPR, awareness and the Data Protection Officer.