There is a lot of turmoil in the world. We have just recovered a little from the corona pandemic and then a war breaks out, resulting in costs rising drastically on all fronts. Transport costs, food, energy; everything has skyrocketed in price. Not only for the home situation can this have a big impact, but businesses also struggle with the cost-to-revenue ratio. Materials are getting more expensive, overhead costs are rising; plenty of reasons why companies are more cautious about investing. But some investments actually contribute to cost savings. In this blog, we will tell you more about how to save costs by digitising.

Valuable space

If there is still a lot of paperwork in your organisation, it takes up a lot of unnecessary space. Legislation also does not always make document retention easy. Legal retention periods often cause companies to lose track. But it is of great importance, because if you as a company do not comply with these, there are penalties attached. But in what ways can digitisation contribute to cost savings? Digitising paper frees up space that can be used for more valuable purposes. You can create more workstations, create a meeting place where colleagues can leave work behind for a while, or an extra meeting room, for example. The possibilities are endless. You might even find out that the office doesn't have to be so big at all and you can save on rent and energy costs by switching to a smaller office.

Grip on digital data

But it is not limited to physical space. By digitising and archiving digitally, it is much easier and more reliable to manage retention periods. That means getting a grip on digital data too. We see that in digital form the mountain of data is growing exponentially, but do we also delete what can no longer be retained in accordance with legislation? By properly rightsizing this once, you create a retention policy. This will also allow you to reduce the number of gigabytes of digital data and thus save costs. And, not least, comply with laws and regulations.

Hybrid working environment

A growing trend is flexible working in a hybrid working environment. Since the corona pandemic, a group of people has emerged who have found it pleasant to work from home. A large number of companies are capitalising on this trend by setting up the hybrid working environment as efficiently as possible. By digitising, you ensure that available documents are accessible to everyone and employees do not have to be in a specific location to access information. Moreover, several people can work with the same documents at the same time. This saves time and increases efficiency. Making it attractive for employees to work from home brings the added benefit of reduced travel expenses. Less traffic is also good for the environment!

Saving time

When documents are digital, the next step is to bring structure to that mountain of data. This is an investment in time and money, but once this step is completed, you will earn it back in no time. Documents can be consulted faster and an authorisation structure can be put in place. A mountain of data without structure is of little use, but once this structure is in place, you can extract an incredible amount of valuable information. Think, for instance, of medical examinations that have been carried out, which you can now link more easily to another medical examination. Links can be made quickly and searches are done with a single click. This saves time, improves reliability and ultimately results in cost savings. A win-win, in other words.

Digitising records and filing them digitally in the right way can bring many benefits. Curious about long-term cost savings for your company? We would be happy to give advice without any obligation. Please contact us.

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